The formation of collective intelligence and the University


  • Augusto Pérez Lindo Doctor en Filosofía. Profesor de diversas universidades argentinas, de la región y del ámbito internacional. Miembro del Consejo Consultivo Asesor de IUSUR. Co-director de RESUR



The formation of a collective intelligence has to do with scientific and university policies, but it is something more than that: it is the definition of the cultural model of development of a country. Since the mid-1970s, theories and programs designed to apply the university and scientific capacities in the resolution of society's problems have been formulated in Latin America. Personalities such as Celso Furtado, Amílcar Herrera, Oscar Varsavsky and Jorge Sábato, were precursors of a new paradigm that we can identify as Mode 3 of Knowledge Production, that is, an approach that supports the need to articulate teaching, research and education. Application of useful knowledge to the country. This paper presents the characteristics of this Mode 3, based on the formation of a collective intelligence in which South American University plays a key role


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How to Cite

Pérez Lindo, A. (2017). The formation of collective intelligence and the University. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (4), e014.



Interviews and university creation