Reflections on teaching work and conceptual categories in narratives of teachers: the theoretical support of Tardif in the Foppe studies (UNIARP/SC)


  • Marialva Moog Pinto Docente Mestrado em Educação - IUSUR. Doutora pela UNISINOS – CAPES 7. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Formação do Professor e Práticas Pedagógicas - FOPPE - CNPq.
  • Thais Ivete Kusinski Gatti Mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Desenvolvimento e Sociedade na Universidade Alto Vale Do Rio Do Peixe (UNIARP) e possui bolsa pelo Programa do Estado de Santa Catarina - UNIEDU
  • Marcio Takahashi Kawamura Professor das Engenharias Mecânica, Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura e Coordenador de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe. Mestrando em Desenvolvimento e Sociedade - UNIARP
  • Doniria Borges Padilha Pedagogia pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil (2010), pós-graduada em Interdisciplinaridade e em Psicopedagogia, cursando o Mestrado Interdisciplinar na Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (UNIARP)



Teachers, through their teaching work, are considered the main responsible for the performance of the students, the school and the system, being responsible for the success or blamed for the failure of the students. The present study refers to a reflection carried out in one of the meetings of the Research Group Teacher Training and Teaching Practices (FOPPE), related to the Master's Program in Development and Society and Master's in Education, headquartered at the Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University (UNIARP), in Caçador-SC, Brazil. The main objective of this study is, through the listening of the teachers' statements, to analyze the narratives of the teachers / members of the research group in question, about the teaching work. The data were collected through the narratives of the members of the Group, all teachers, who met to study in particular the "Teaching Work". The study focused on the theoretical support of Maurice Tardif's (2002) book on "Teaching Knowledge and Vocational Training", whose chapter entitled "Teaching work, pedagogy and teaching - Human interactions, technologies and dilemmas", guided discussion. The analysis of the narratives could point out some categories of research that are: Abstraction and Practice; Teacher Resistance and Lack of Motivation; High Hour Load and Lack of Time; Bureaucracy for External Practices; Many Educational Agents; Reviews of Large Scale incite competition; Lack of Pedagogical Training for Teaching; Technical training and human interactions; And Teaching models.


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How to Cite

Moog Pinto, M., Kusinski Gatti, T. I., Takahashi Kawamura, M., & Borges Padilha, D. (2017). Reflections on teaching work and conceptual categories in narratives of teachers: the theoretical support of Tardif in the Foppe studies (UNIARP/SC). Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (4), e012.