
Impacts and Consequences of the Pandemic on the National Education System


  • Sara Rosa Medina Martínez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM



Public Policies and Education, Education and Global Issues, COVID-19 Impacts


COVID-19 has caused an interruption in the history of education systems where more than 1.6 billion students in more than 90 countries have been affected; the closures of educational institutions have affected 94 % of the world's students. In addition, 23.8 million children and young people could drop out of school or have no access to it, generating economic, social and political repercussions. The crisis has also aggravated educational disparities by reducing the opportunities for children, youth and adults, particularly the most vulnerable, to continue their studies and consequently to learn; it has also caused other problems related to human security. On the other hand, the crisis has stimulated creativity in the education sector by applying innovative approaches based on technology. It has also highlighted the essential role of teachers and the government's responsibility towards them. However, the COVID-19 crisis and the disruption of education are far from over. Thus, this work alludes to the impacts of COVID-19 in contemporary societies, is based on a sociological methodology of critical analysis based on the proposals of phenomenological hermeneutics (built from Gadamer and Beuchot), applied to the understanding of meanings and interactions that have, in this case, the Educational Institutions, recovered from the publications of ECLAC, OECD, UNESCO and an analysis of reality. Given the relevance of the topic addressed, it is vital to know the impacts that this pandemic has left in the Educational System and in other areas. Addressing this type of issues is fundamental for the understanding of today's world, as well as to prepare other human beings in the knowledge of these issues and contribute to the construction of the current state of the art.


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Author Biography

Sara Rosa Medina Martínez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM

Professor of the Graduate Program in Pedagogy at UNAM


CEPAL-UNESCO, (2020), Informe COVID-19 CEPAL-UNESCO. La educación en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19, Estados Unidos: CEPAL-UNESCO.

Guthleben, C., Blervaque, S., (2021), Brut TBT, Estados Unidos: Brut,

INEGI, (2021), “INEGI presenta resultados de la Encuesta para la Medición del Impacto COVID-19 en la Educación (ECOVID-ED) 2020. Datos nacionales”, en Comunicado de prensa, Núm. 185/21, México: INEGI.

INEGI, (2021), “Nota técnica”, en Encuesta para la Medición del Impacto COVID-19 en la Educación (ECOVID-ED) 2020¸ México: INEGI.

Naciones Unidas, (2020), Informe de políticas: La educación durante la COVID-19 y después de ella, París: Naciones Unidas



How to Cite

Medina Martínez, S. R. . (2023). Post-COVID-19: Impacts and Consequences of the Pandemic on the National Education System. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (15), e2023n15a7.