Pedagogy and Training of the University Pedagogue


  • Jorge Chacón Reyes Universidad Popular Autónoma de Veracruz



Epistemology, Science, Training, Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy


In this work the German philosophical origin of pedagogy as a science of training is analyzed; In particular, Herbart, Dilthey, and Natorp, having Kant as their antecedents, were the ones who developed and established the epistemological foundations of pedagogy as science. These authors showed, from their own perspectives of thought, a deep interest in pedagogy, seeing the intimate connection between it and philosophy. Recognizing this tradition, it is pertinent to mention the debate between pedagogy and science (s) of education, where it is argued that the training of education professionals can only be understood within the framework of certain traditions of thought and socio-historical conditions. Lastly, the need arises for an epistemological, theoretical and critical training of the pedagogue as thinking and acting professional who contributes in a reflective, purposeful and creative way to the improvement of society through education.


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Author Biography

Jorge Chacón Reyes, Universidad Popular Autónoma de Veracruz

Degree in Pedagogy from the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. Master of Education from the Popular Autonomous University of Veracruz, Mexico. Professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Universidad Veracruzana, in the areas of pedagogical and social knowledge, educational research and teaching


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Herbart, J. F. (s/f). Bosquejo para un curso de pedagogía. Ediciones de la Lectura.

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Luzuriaga, L. (1984). Pedagogía. Editorial Losada.

Natorp, P. (1987). Curso de pedagogía social. Editorial Porrúa.



How to Cite

Chacón Reyes, J. (2023). Pedagogy and Training of the University Pedagogue. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (14), e2022n14a4.