Didactic Strategy inVirtual Environments to Develop Critical Thinking at a Higher Level


  • Abril Castañeda Luna Universidad Veracruzana




Critical Thinking, Didactic Strategy, Virtual Environments


The objective of this paper is to present the experience of learning management in the course-workshop Critical Thinking for Problem Solving of a group of the Pedagogy Faculty of the Poza Rica-Tuxpan Region of the Universidad Veracruzana. Specifically, a didactic strategy is presented that was adapted to virtual environments within the framework of the COVID-19 contingency. The competence to be managed was for students to construct arguments and/or explanations to support solution alternatives linked to a problem posed, putting into practice the ACRISPRO Model (Arias, 2017) which explains the different ways or paths that can be followed for problem solving: explaining and arguing. For the design of this activity, the Inverted Learning strategy was used as pedagogical support. The methodology of this work is descriptive of a transversal qualitative type; therefore, the results are shown by recovering the explanation of the implementation phases of the virtual debate, the form of evaluation of the students, the knowledge developed and the metacognition process. With this experience it was identified that the students used the Technologies for the elaboration and construction of arguments and explanations that allow them to support their position before a problem and also the proposal of solutions, thus promoting the development of Critical Thinking; it was also possible to consider that the implemented pedagogical strategy is pertinent in remote work.


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Author Biography

Abril Castañeda Luna, Universidad Veracruzana

Master in Learning Management from the Universidad Veracruzana


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How to Cite

Castañeda Luna, A. (2022). Didactic Strategy inVirtual Environments to Develop Critical Thinking at a Higher Level. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (13), e2021n13a5. https://doi.org/10.25087/resur13a5