Basic Sciences in Uruguay:

PEDECIBA, 33 years old


  • Adriana Chiancone Doctora -PhS- en Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Universidad CLAEH (Uruguay)



PEDECIBA, Basic sciences, Postgraduate scientists, Disciplines


The Programme for the Development of Basic Sciences (PEDECIBA) was created in Uruguay as a scientific development program within a context of political transition. The program started at the end of 1986 in the areas of Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics and Chemistry, implemented by the University of the Republic (UDELAR) and the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC). Thirtythree years after its foundation, this article aims to identify some transformations and new forms of program articulation within the current institutional national context. PEDECIBA has been characterized since its origins by a flexible organization, without bureaucratic structures. It is a researcher’s network, managed by the program’s scientists. New interdisciplinary fields have been integrated to PEDECIBA and scientists do work in a larger number of Uruguayan institutions created in these 33 years. The program faces some challenges related to global scientific transformations and local institutional and political changes. Nevertheless, PEDECIBA maintains its importance not only in postgraduate training but also in the coordination and creation of a space for researchers. 


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Author Biography

Adriana Chiancone, Doctora -PhS- en Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Universidad CLAEH (Uruguay)

Doctor -PhS- in Social Studies of Science and Technology, by the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research -IVIC. Master in Social Sciences with emphasis in Educational Policies - FLACSO Argentina and Bachelor of Anthropological Sciences - Universidad de la República, 1990. Researcher in Social Sciences in the National System of Researchers of Uruguay in the field of Social Studies of Science and Technology . She is a professor at the University of the Republic, in charge of the Permanent Education Unit at the Faculty of Information and Communication -FIC- and a researcher attached to the CLAEH University (Uruguay). He has been the Responsible Teacher of the "Introduction to University" Course. University of the Republic (UDELAR). Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. March 2007-2014 and Teacher Responsible for the Course "History, Evolution and Organization of university institutions" UDELAR- TGU - Faculty of Sciences. Economic and Administration 2010-2014.  


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How to Cite

Chiancone, A. (2019). Basic Sciences in Uruguay:: PEDECIBA, 33 years old. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (8), 45–61.