Pedagogical Training in Higher Education:

The Perception of Teachers in the 6th Academic Region, Angola


  • Eugénio Namuele Guli



pedagogical training, teacher’s perception


The research has set off from objective reflexions registered in the complex teaching-learning process carried out in institutions not devoted to teaching training. From this point of view, the starting question is what is the sixteen academic region teachers’ perception about pedagogical training of higher-level teachers? As a general objective, we search to understand from the sixteen academic region teachers’ perception, the pedagogical perception at higher level, as specific objectives: identify competences for teaching in higher school; characterize current strategies of pedagogical training of teachers at the Law School; find out Law School teachers perceptions and motivations for their teaching professional practice; identify teacher’s expectations and interests for their pedagogical training as a research object, we have the pedagogical training at higher level. As a scope of action, it is limited to sixteen academic regions. The research has a qualitative approach. The diagnosis instrument applied was the semi-structured interview with four categories applied to three teachers selected randomly and that were available for recording. The method of data treatment is content analysis. The gathered results show teachers excellent motivation for pedagogical overcoming, by the fact that in the law school curriculum there are no subjects focusing specifically on teaching, however there must be university teacher’s valorisation so that they do not embrace liberal lawyer activity increasingly compared to teaching.


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Author Biography

Eugénio Namuele Guli

Assistant Professor of the Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação da Huíla, Angola


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How to Cite

Guli, E. N. . (2021). Pedagogical Training in Higher Education: : The Perception of Teachers in the 6th Academic Region, Angola. Revista De Educación Superior Del Sur Global - RESUR, (13), e2021n13a2.